PSG launches collaboration with MSU in recognition of Myositis Awareness Month

PSG launches collaboration with MSU in recognition of Myositis Awareness Month

Plasma Services Group, with the help of their friends at Myositis Support and Understanding are working to make positive change for the Myositis Community.

People who live with Myositis know that it’s not always an easy diagnosis to manage, and the thought of lending support to their community can be challenging. Despite those difficulties, we’ve found that the Myositis community is one of the most responsive groups we have ever worked with. While we know this rare disease can be debilitating at times, the openness to help and the determined drive PSG has witnessed in our Myositis donors, we know is due in part to Jerry Williams (Founder and President) and Lynn Wilson (Vice-President) of Myositis Support and Understanding. 

We’d like to encourage all of our friends to visit their Jerry and Lynn’s newly launched patient and caregiver experience website for its members:  We know the team over at MSU has worked very hard on this endeavor, and we hope that you will take the time to check it out.

Myositis Support & Understanding creates an astounding impact in the lives of it’s members through education and resources and have been the backbone of our current collaboration. With MSU’s help, Plasma Services Group has been able to reach the Myositis community like never before and help educate MSU members about a unique opportunity to help advance Myositis diagnostics and make some extra cash during the process.

Diagnosed with Myositis? CLICK HERE to take the first step in qualifying to become a paid plasma donor for Myositis research.

We’d also like to encourage all of our friends to check out Jerry and Lynn’s new and improved website for their members: We know the team over at MSU has worked very hard on this endeavor and we hope that you will take the time to check them out.

Want to hear more about our collaboration? Check out the Webinar we hosted, PSG + MSU + You: Your Role in the World of Diagnostics on May 23rd, 2019 , To view this webinar, please CLICK HERE.

PSG + MSU + YOU: Your Role in the World of Diagnostics

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